Sharon Callahan is a writer, photographer, internationally recognized animal communication specialist and leading pioneer in the use of flower essences for the treatment of animals.
Although Sharon's ability to communicate with animals has been with her from childhood, a near-death experience in 1987 enhanced her ability to communicate with animals telepathically, giving her a deep understanding of the role of animals in the spiritual lives of human beings. This experience led to the creation of the Anaflora flower essences for animals, the first flower essences made exclusively for the animal kingdom. Since that time Sharon has pioneered the use of flower essences in the treatment of animals. Her books on the topic are the first in this field. The Anaflora flower essences and essence formulas are now widely accepted and used by animal health care professionals throughout the world and are endorsed by veterinarians.
In her work, Sharon combines her telepathic communication skills with an uncanny ability to select the appropriate healing essences for each animal. Connecting with the soul of the animal, she offers diagnostic insight, inspiration, and guidance. She draws on a repertoire of hundreds of flower essences which she makes herself in Mt. Shasta, California where she has lived for the past 22 years. Sharon brings to her practice a background in the human medical setting, including psychiatric clinics, the treatment of children with disabilities, grief therapy and suicide counseling.
Today, her expertise in the fields of animal communication and flower essence therapy has gained the respect of individuals, animal welfare organizations, shelters, sanctuaries, flower essence professionals and veterinarians throughout the world. Her clients come to her largely by way of veterinary referral. Sharon is on staff with Bob Goldstein, V.M.D. as his staff animal communicator and has worked with him for the past three years in the clinical application of flower essences in his veterinary practice. Her work has been featured on both local and national radio and television.
Sharon is available for consultations and telepathic communication sessions by phone, or in person to assist anyone puzzled by an animal's behavior, living with a seriously ill animal, deciding about euthanasia, grieving the loss of a beloved animal, or simply wanting to expand their understanding of the animals who share their life. She particularly enjoys working with elderly animals and assisting an animal in an illumined transition from this life. Sharon travels occasionally for workshops and conferences and enjoys sharing her story with others.
Healing Energy of Flower Essences
Flower essences are liquid extracts that can help people feel more alive and in touch with goals, values and creativity. They work by the principle of vibratory resonance and can help release emotional stress which may result in less physical tension. Flower essences are catalysts for emotional change and work by stimulating awareness. They are made specifically from the fresh blossoms of the pl…
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Healing Energy with Animals and Pets
Animals play many important roles in our lives. They provide comfort and companionship. When we use a heart-centered approach to evaluate the health and healing needs of animals, we can learn which energies may be out of balance and then help our animal friends to live a healthier, balanced life. There is no doubt that there are energetic interrelationships between animals, humans, the environme…
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