Ayurvedic Medicine
Ayurveda, an ancient holistic approach to wellness, originated in India over 5,000 years ago. The concept of Ayurveda is natural and simple – it is based on the principles of living in harmony with the cycles and rhythms of nature while balancing the physical, emotional and spiritual aspects of life. According to Ayurveda, health exists when there is a balance between the five great elements of e…
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Mind/Body/Spirit Balance – Body Wisdom – Yoga
Yoga means unification, which is first the unity of all the dualities and contraries that constitute the energies of life. Yoga philosophy teaches us to understand and transcend duality, but this rests upon harmonizing the dualities within us in a transformative state of balance. Yoga is a spiritual practice, passed down from yogis who devoted their lives to spiritual pursuits. Yoga uses movement…
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Mind/Body/Spirit Balance – Emotional Healing
The Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) is a dynamic system and method of energetic healing where the person gently taps points on the body in a specific order. The tapping points correspond to the meridians which have been observed, documented and explored in Traditional Chinese Medicine. When there are feelings of imbalance, it is important to use methods and systems that address the three fund…
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Mind/Body/Spirit Balance – Heart Balance
In ancient times, the heart was considered the seat of intelligence and the emperor or ruler of the major organ networks of the body. Then, over the years, new studies in neuroscience put the brain on center stage. Today, the science of the heart shows that the heart is a complex informational processing center with its own functional brain. In fact, the heart acts as if it has a mind of its own…
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Healing Energy of Food, Plants and Herbs
Hippocrates, a physician during Greece’s Golden Age, once said, “Let food be thy medicine and let medicine be thy food.” Food is the ultimate energy medicine because food is condensed and transformed energy. Eating food releases the energies stored in food and the energy forces of the food interact on a physical, emotional, mental and even spiritual level. The connection with nature through a rel…
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Healing Energy of Nature
There are many kinds of energy medicine and one of the most powerful forms is connecting with the energy of nature – the earth, plants, water and even fire. For indigenous cultures around the world, including Native Americans, spirituality is a way of life and their rituals were connected to the specific qualities of the land they called “home”. They felt the earth was our mother, the sky our fa…
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Healing Energy of Essential Oils
Essential oils are the volatile, concentrated liquids which are distilled from plants, seeds, bark, leaves, stems, roots, flowers and fruit. Essential oils were some of man’s first medicines. Through the ages oils were used in many cultures and there are over 188 references to essential oils in the Bible. It is believed that everything has an electrical frequency, including the bio frequency of …
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Healing Energy of Flower Essences
Flower essences are liquid extracts that can help people feel more alive and in touch with goals, values and creativity. They work by the principle of vibratory resonance and can help release emotional stress which may result in less physical tension. Flower essences are catalysts for emotional change and work by stimulating awareness. They are made specifically from the fresh blossoms of the pl…
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Healing Energy with Animals and Pets
Animals play many important roles in our lives. They provide comfort and companionship. When we use a heart-centered approach to evaluate the health and healing needs of animals, we can learn which energies may be out of balance and then help our animal friends to live a healthier, balanced life. There is no doubt that there are energetic interrelationships between animals, humans, the environme…
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